The Ibero‑American Association for Local Financing (AIFIL) is a non‑profit academic and scientific association devoted to promoting the study, research, communication and exchange of knowledge and projects in the fields of Public Management and Funding of Local Administrations, with the utmost openness and transparency. AIFIL is pleased to welcome all individuals and institutions interested in these fields and encourages them to join the Association in the accomplishment of its goals. To that end, you are invited to learn about the bylaws of the organization, its promoting partners, and the process to become a member.
Ibero American Association for Local Financing
Institutional roles
President: SUÁREZ PANDIELLO, Javier (Universidad de Oviedo, España)
Vice president: CAPELLO, Marcelo Luis (IERAL de Fundación Mediterránea y Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina)
General Secretary: GARCÍA VALIÑAS, Marián (Universidad de Oviedo, España)
Promoter partners
ALMEIDA SÁNCHEZ, María Dolores (Ecuador)
BONET MORÓN, Jaime Alfredo (Banco de la República, Colombia)
CAPELLO, Marcelo Luis (IERAL de Fundación Mediterránea y Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina)
EGUINO, Huáscar (BID)
FRETES, Vicente (BID)
LETELIER, Leonardo (Universidad de Chile, Chile)
LOZANO ESPITIA, Luis Ignacio (Banco de la República, Colombia)
PORTO, Alberto (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina)
REZK, Ernesto (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina)
SILVA CARVALHO, Célia María (Fundación Getulio Vargas, Brasil)
SUÁREZ PANDIELLO, Javier (Universidad de Oviedo, España)
Honorary Members
Ehtisham Ahmad (London School of Economics)
Robin Boadway (Queens University at Kingston)
Giorgio Brosio (Università di Torino)
Michael Keen (Fondo Monetario Internacional)
Jorge Martinez Vazquez (Georgia State University)
Jose Antonio Ocampo (Columbia University)
Fernando Rezende (Fundação Getúlio Vargas)
Vito Tanzi (International Institut of Public Finance)
Teresa Ter Minassian (Ex-Director of FAD FMI)
Francois Vaillancourt (University of Montreal)